Honey Butter
December 22, 2021/Meadowlily Recipes
  • By Meadowlily Farm
  • 2,883

Honey Butter is very easy to make. It’s a really nice homemade gift to give.

There are many recipes for Honey Butter online. I started making it when a friend gifted us some made with our own Meadowlily Farm Honey and it was delicious. Many recipes online have much more butter to the honey ratio and also add icing sugar. I don’t like the idea of adding icing sugar so this is how I make it.

Honey to butter ratio the same. So if you use a cup of butter use a cup of honey as well. You can add vanilla and cinnamon to taste. 

  • 1 cup honey
  • 1 cup butter at room temperature
  • vanilla I use 1 tablespoon per cup
  • cinnamon I just sprinkle some in and taste test! Less is more for cinnamon I find.

Mix up the butter if you have to heat it a little it helps. I just heat it in the microwave for 15 seconds. After butter is mixed and soft add honey and continue to mix. Then add vanilla and cinnamon. 

Honey Butter has a shelf life of about six months if refrigerated. You can leave the Honey Butter on the counter for 3 to 5 days. 

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